The History of Irrigation
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About the Project

The irrigation system in the NSW Murray Valley was developed by the NSW Government between the 1930s and 1960s. It remained under government control and operation until 1995 when it was privatised under the irrigator-owned company Murray Irrigation Limited.

With the change from government-owned operation to a private company much of the history of irrigation development has been lost to the region; official records have been dispersed, or relocated to Sydney.

In 2005 Murray Irrigation celebrated its 10th anniversary. In conjunction with this, and a number of other significant milestones for irrigation infrastructure in the region, the company undertook an oral history project to record memories of irrigation development and the impact it had on the region. The company developed an exhibition, incorporating the oral history
project, which toured local communities throughout the year.

Murray Irrigation developed this website (see site credits) to provide public access to the material it has collected. The website acts as a reference point for information on the development of irrigation in the region and promotes the significance of irrigation to the region.

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